Financial Institution Eligible to Apply for Securities Business License B.E. 2536 (amended by No. 16 No. 18) (Repealed)
Application for Separation of Finance and Securities Businesses (amended by No. 12 and No. 19)
Application for Additional Securities Business License B.E. 2539 (amended by No. 13 No. 17) (Repealed)
Application for Approval on Establishment of Company to Undertake Securities Finance Business B.E. 2539 (Repealed)
Application for License to Undertake Securities Borrowing and Lending Business B.E. 2543 (amended by No. 21) (Repealed)
Application for License to Undertake Business of Private Fund Management B.E. 2543(repealed No. 6 No. 14 and amended by No. 23) (Repealed)
Concerning Approval on Undertaking of Securities Business in the Category of Mutual Fund Management B.E. 2545 (Repealed)
Concerning Approval on Undertaking of Securities Business in the Category of Investment Advisory Service B.E. 2545 (Repealed)
Concerning Approval on Undertaking of Securities Business in the Category of Inter - dealer Brokerage B.E. 2545 (Repealed)
Concerning Approval on Undertaking of Securities Business in the Category of Venture Capital Manangement B.E. 2545 (Repealed)
Concerning Approval on Undertaking of Securities Business in the Category of Brokerage, Dealing or Underwriting of Investment Units B.E. 2547 (Repealed)
Legal Department -Corporate and Administrative Cases
Tel. +66-2033-9525