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​​​​Management of Mutual Fund​

9. Preparation of mutual fund reports

​​Submit to the SEC
​Disclose on the mutual fund management company's website
Disclose to Unitholders​

i.e. A report on distribution channels of the investment units of all mutual funds under management.

​i.e. A report on mutual fund's investment information / performance data of the mutual fund, to be disclosed within 15 days from the last business day of each month. Except for the case of a mutual fund with the net exposure in a foreign fund of more than 20% of its NAV, to be disclosed within 15 days from the first day the information of such foreign fund is made publicly available.

i.e. A 6-month report/an annual report:

(1) In a printed/ CD;

(2) Publicized on the mutual fund management company's website, provided that the unitholders are informed of the access to such information channels via an email/SMS/ link to the website.​

​​Closed-end Funds

​Open-end Funds
  •  An annual report shall be distributed within 3 months from the end of the accounting period

  • A six-month report based on the accounting period/calendar year shall be prepared and submitted within 2 months from the end of 6 month period.

  • An annual report:

    1) Based on an accounting period shall be submitted within 3 months from the end of that accounting period.

2) Based on a calendar year shall be submitted within 4 months from the end of each accounting period.​

The above provisions do not apply to mutual fund that focus on a one-time investment strategy and have a term of less than one year as from the date of registration as mutual fund.

An annual report should contain at the minimum the following details:

  1. Financial statements;​​​

  2. Portfolios;

  3. Information on values and ratios of investment in other mutual fund under the same mutual fund management company (if any);

  4. Performance data of the mutual fund;

  5. Brokerage fees in connection with the trading of investment units of the mutual fund;

  6. Expenses chargeable to the mutual fund;

  7. Details of remuneration or benefits received from activities other than investment (if any);

  8. Portfolio turnover ratio;

  9. The opinion of the mutual fund management company;

  10. The opinion of the mutual fund supervisor;

  11. Information on investments not following the investment policy with reasons;

  12. Information on transactions with related persons (if any);

  13. Information on the recording of debt instrument default or claim as zero or there are any circumstances that may make debt repayment impossible (if any);

  14. Information on any receipt of other assets as a debt repayment (if any);

  15. Information on casting of votes in shareholder meetings;

  16. Information on holding of investment units more than one-third of the units outstanding (if any);

  17. Iist of fund managers.

A six-month report shall contain at least the information items from (1) to (10).​

For More Information

Investment Management Policy Department

Tel. +66 2263 6562