Equity Instruments
Private Placement (PP) of shares and warrant – in case of a listed company
Criteria for approval: can be divided into four cases, depending on the nature of share price indication based on the resolution of the shareholders' meeting.
1st case: assign the board of directors to indicate the offering price in accordance with the market price at the time of offer
2nd case: the shareholders resolved to clearly indicate the offering price
3rd case: the offer to sell shares remaining from Rights offering
4th case: the offer to sell PP shares which is not falling under 1st to 3rd cases
1st case: assign the board of directors to indicate the offering price in accordance with the market price at the time of offer

2nd case: the shareholders decided to clearly indicate the offering price
3rd case: the share/ warrant offering in a Private Placement

4th case: the offer to sell PP shares which is not falling under 1st to 3rd cases

Conditions for approval
A listed company is prohibited from advertising the offer to sell new shares to the public.
A listed company must use proceeds from the approved offering of shares in accordance with the objectives of the capital increase indicated in the notice calling shareholders' meeting.
A listed company must disclose information about the newly issued shares to PP before the offer to sell, with the details of at least the offering price and the method of calculating the offering price via the system to disclose information as specified by the SET.
A listed company is prohibited from offering shares to a subsidiary.
If the persons being allocated shares are related persons, the listed company must act pursuant to the criteria of related party transactions.
Additional requirements for warrant – PP
Approval for warrant – PP must be registered with transfer restrictions.
In case of an offer to sell warrant – PP which the board of directors is aware of the names of investors and the shareholders resolved to indicate the sale price for underlying shares for warrant – PP, investment agreements must be included in the warrant – PP by specifying transfer restrictions for such warrant – PP.
Disclosure of information
The SEC specifies that issuers in a Public Offering must disclose information to investors, and a good disclosure of information should be free flow, namely, investors should have equal access to information. Information must be accurate, reliable, adequate and timely. In addition, information should be both financial and non-financial which reflects the strengths and weaknesses of the company in order for the shareholders to have complete information in making a decision and have control over the executives in risk management, financial management and business strategy. The securities issuing company must disclose the minimum requirements in a format and within the specified period, and the following information is required:
After offering to sell shares, the company has duty to disclose information in:
Important information that must be disclose are, such as,
Risk factors
Type of operation
Capital structure
Management structure
Related transaction
Evaluation report of the internal control system by Internal Auditor (IA)
Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A)
Events and factors substantially affecting the operation or financial status of the company in the future (forward looking)
Risk factors
Important points
Disclosed information
Type of operation
Important points
What kind of business does the company, subsidiary, associate company do? Is it a product or a service? From which business is the major income derived?
How is the trend of the industry? Can the company compete with other business competitors?
Are there any restrictions in the company's operation?
Disclosed information
Capital structure
Important points
Who are the majority shareholders that can control the votes?
Is there a check and balance among the majority shareholders?
Are there other securities that may cause dilution effect?
What is the policy for payment of dividends?
Disclosed information
The type of securities being issued and still available, for instance, common shares, preferred shares, debentures or convertible securities, as well as important conditions of securities
Shareholding structure (the first 10)
Shareholder agreements
Policy for payment of dividends (both the company and subsidiary)
Management structure
Important points
Who are the directors or executives? What is the scope of their powers?
Who are the independent directors / Audit Committee (AC) to act for the interests of individual investors?
What is the corporate governance and internal control system?
Disclosed information
Board of directors and executives:
Each committee (name, scope of powers)
AC with the experience in auditing financial statements
Name and title of executives / company's secretary
Selection of directors and executives
Corporate governance (CG) / control of usage of internal information
The total number of staff, number of staff in the main fields, accumulated remuneration, labour disputes (if any)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Related party transaction
Important points
Does the company have related party transactions?
How are the transactions transparent, equitable, reasonable and beneficial to the shareholders?
Disclosed information
Last period transactions:
Names of related party and their relations
The type and amount of transaction
Whether it is a market price or a fair price
Whether the conditions are in accordance with ordinary business
Necessity and reasonableness / opinion of the Audit Committee
Policy or trend of future transactions
Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A)
Important points
Reasons for the status and business performance, important events that affect the financial statements
Analytical comparison with the company's past and with other companies in the same industry
Obligations or factors which may affect the company
Disclosed information
Summary of financial information with a three year comparison
Analytical explanation of:
Financial status (assets, liquidity, capital expenditure, sources of capital (debt / equity))
Performance (income and equity of business, expenditure, revenue or special expense, financial cost, the rates of gross profit and net profit)
Important financial ratios
Factors which may affect the financial status and performance
Events and factors substantially affecting the operation or financial status of the company in the future (forward looking)
Important points
Disclosed information
There is certainty that it will happen in the future and affect the performance, such as:
Events, obligations or contracts already concluded and has effect on financial statements being due
Income which may not occur again in the future