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Public hearing on cross-border offering of ASEAN CIS rule

Monday 20 January 2014 | No. 5 / 2014

Bangkok, January 20, 2014 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on draft rules on cross-border offering of ASEAN collective investment schemes (ASEAN CIS) to retail investors.  When compiled with non-retail offering rules already in force, the ASEAN CIS cross-border offering rules will be comprehensive and more user-friendly. The proposed drat rules have been developed under the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF)?s implementation plan, the ASEAN CIS framework and the common standards concerning qualifications of the cross-border funds, management companies and fund supervisors, local representatives and prospectus, for instance. 

The consultation paper is available on the SEC website at Stakeholders and interested parties are welcome to submit comments through the website, or facsimile number at 0-2263-6484 or email address at until January 22, 2014.