Bangkok, May 21, 2014 - The SEC revealed that the Settlement Committee imposed a total fine of 9,670,432.91 baht on {A} and {B} for using inside information to sell {X1} Company shares.
With the referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the SEC's probe found that during July 27 - August 15, 2011, {A} sold 29 million {X1} Company shares in securities trading account of the {X2} Company. She traded {X1} Company shares in such a way that taking advantage of others by using non-public information material to {X1} Company share price which was {X1} Company's 315.79 million operating net loss in Q2/2011. The loss was resulted from an extraordinary item on allowance for impairment work in construction of Portalnet Co., Ltd., its subsidiary. {A} learnt of this information while she was {X1} Company's chairman of the executive committee and president as well as an authorized director and a major shareholder of 49.99% in {X2} Company.
In addition, during July 22 - August 2, 2011, {B} sold 7,026,400 {X1} Company shares in his own securities trading account by using the aforementioned information learnt during his directorship in {X1} Company.
{A} and {B}'s actions were in violation of Section 241 which is subject to sanctions under Section 296 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992). As they agreed to enter the settlement procedure, the Settlement Committee therefore imposed a fine of 7,862,349.85 baht on {A} and another 1,808,083.06 baht on {B}.