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SEC News

Public hearing on common rules for new financial product offerings

Tuesday 26 August 2014 | No. 120 / 2014

Bangkok, August 26, 2014 ?The SEC is seeking public comment on proposed common offering rules for new financial products not falling within a scope of any existing rules. Introducing the common rules aims to facilitate private sector?s issuance of new financial products in response to market needs.  Under the proposal, the principle-based set of rules enabling a more flexible coverage of various financial products, either domestic or foreign issues will be drafted, rather than a rule-based one. Also, consideration on suitability of target investors will be addressed. The proposed rules govern offering approval, disclosure and periodic reporting requirement. 

The consultation paper is available on Stakeholders and interested parties are welcome to submit comments through the website, or facsimile number at 0-2695-4602 or email address at until September 2, 2014.