Bangkok, March 11, 2015 - The SEC filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) against four persons for jointly falsifying documents causing Professional Waste Technology (1999) Plc. (PRO) to make incorrect and inaccurate accounting records from Q2/2006 to Q1/2009 concerning loans to other parties, investment in aluminum processing project, and the purchase of machinery for plastic waste fuel refinery project. The said persons were {A}, {B} and {C}, ex-directors and executives of PRO, and {D}, Managing Director of Therm Engineering Co., Ltd. Their actions were in violation of Sections 312 and 315 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) (SEA).
The above persons, named in the criminal complaint filed by the SEC, are deemed as having untrustworthy characteristics of director and executive of a publicly held company. This caused the termination of their directorship and executive position by the provision of the SEA.
In any case, the filing of a criminal complaint commences the criminal justice administration; whereby the court will judge the case accordingly.
Information contained in this news release is as of the aforementioned release date. For those who wish to see current status of the matter,
please go to compliant filed with inquiry officer