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Our Structure

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Capital Market Supervisory Board


The Capital Market Supervisory Board (CMSB) has the power and duty under the Securities and Exchange Act that include issuance of rules and regulations governing the securities industry and reporting to the SEC Board.

The CMSB comprises:
Chairman is SEC Secretary-General;

Board members , i.e.: 
1. SEC Deputy Secretary-General  assigned by SEC Secretary-General
2. Director-General of the Fiscal Policy Office


Expert Board members not exceeding four persons appointed by the Minister of Finance as proposed by the Nomination Committee. Expert Board members must have qualifications and do not possess any prohibited characteristics as specified by law, and at least two of whom having management experience at listed or securities firms. 


Expert bo​ard members each hold office for four-year term and upon completion of their term may be reappointed but not for more than two consecutive term. 


Currently, the CMSB comprises as follows:  


  • ​​​The Capital Market Supervision Board Members (19 November 2009 - Present)​

For More Information

Office of the Secretary-General​

Tel +66-2263-6223 ​