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SEC participates in investment promotion events in Saudi Arabia

13 July 2024

Mrs. Pornanong Budsaratragoon, Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand (SEC), was invited by the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) to participate in the opening ceremony of the Thailand Board of Investment's Office in Riyadh and the Thailand-Saudi Arabia Investment Forum from 13-15 July 2024, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The events were organized by the BOI, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand leading representatives from public and private sectors. The meeting featured exchanges of views and strategies on investment promotion, business opportunities, and cooperation between Thailand and Saudi Arabia in fostering mutual investments. 

Additionally, the SEC Secretary-General, along with representatives from the Stock Exchange of Thailand, had a meeting with leading funds in Saudi Arabia to present information on growth, opportunities, and strengths in businesses related to tourism, hospitals, and alternative energy, which are areas of significant investment interest for Saudi Arabia.