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SEC News

Public hearing on barring period on public offering rules

Friday 27 June 2014 | No. 91 / 2014

Bangkok, June 27, 2014 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on revision of public offering rules to impose a barring period on re-filing of application for securities public offerings. Such period will be imposed if inappropriate behaviors of issuing companies such as concealment of information or cooking the books have been found.  

The issuers covered under the proposed revision are non-listed Thai incorporated companies and foreign companies not listed on specified main board of foreign exchanges. The proposal aims at enhancing investor protection while pushing securities issuers to rectify such behaviors prior to re-filing public offering application.

In this regard, such securities include shares, share warrants, debentures and convertible debentures as well as units of infrastructure funds and real estate investment trusts (REITs). In cases of infrastructure funds and REITs, in addition, the barring period will apply to the asset sellers or leasers taking roles of managing the fund assets or REIT managers.

The consultation paper is available on Stakeholders and those interested in the proposal are welcome to submit comments through the website, or facsimile number at 0-2695-9796 or email address at until July 8, 2014.