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Corporate Governance Code 2017

Principle 4
Ensure Effective CEO and People Management


Principle 4.1
The board should ensure that a proper mechanism is in place for the nomination and development of the chief executive officer and key executives to ensure that they possess the knowledge, skills, experience, and characteristics necessary for the company to achieve its objectives.

Principle 4.2
The board should ensure that an appropriate compensation structure and performance evaluation are in place.

Principle 4.3
The board should consider its responsibilities in the context of the company’s shareholder structure and relationships, which may impact the management and operation of the company.

Principle 4.4 
The board should ensure the company has effective human resources management and development programmes to ensure that the company has adequate staffing and appropriately knowledgeable, skilled, and experienced employees and staff.​

Principle 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8