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​SEC Complaint Center

Matters under the SEC Responsibility

SEC Complaint Center can assist you with matters under its supervision in accordance with the governing laws. Conducts liable to the supervision include duty performance of market participants such as securities issuers,approved securities/derivatives intermediaries, e.g., brokers, dealers and asset management companies, and the SEC approved entities, e.g., investment consultants 1 and listed companies 2


1 In case you are a client of a securities or derivatives intermediary who, as a disputant, agrees to be bound by the arbitrator’s decision, a dispute may be settled through arbitration.

Listed company means a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

Samples of matters under the SEC responsibility

 Approved securities / derivatives intermediaries / persons. For example:

  • ​Malfunctioning of working systems that may cause damage to investment, fund management inconsistent with prospectus, and incorrect disclosure of information;

  • Stock loss from a trading account, failure of investment consultants / investment analysts / unit sellers to give information or advice on the invested products or services, which may cause damage to the investment

  • Solicitation or fraud by unlicensed or unapproved entities, for instance, securities intermediaries, asset management companies, investment consultants and derivatives intermediaries with underlyings such as SET index, oil and precious metals (gold, silver, etc.);

  • For the list of licensed securities companies, please click SEC Check First. For the list of companies / websites liable to undertaking securities business without license, please click Investor Alert.

 Listed companies. For example:

  • Incorrect or incomplete disclosure of information, for instance, financial statements, annual registration statement (56-1) or annual report (56-2);

  • Failure to perform according to the disclosed information in prospectus, for instance, acquisition or disposal of assets, related party transactions or takeovers;

  • Inappropriate behaviors of executives or directors, for instance, embezzlement of company assets, conflicts of interests, or window dressing.

  • Unfair treatments related to securities trading, for instance, market manipulation, insider trading and dissemination of false statements.

Samples of matters beyond the SEC responsibility

 Matters under supervision of other laws, for instance, Ponzi scheme, poor services or poor product quality, advertising blockage on sidewalks, poor construction quality, incorrect information provided by insurance companies / brokers, or unfair credit consideration;

 Insufficient details or evidence for submitting a complaint;

 Matters related to day-to-day operation, for instance, business judgment, issues relating to staff or internal operation;

 Complaints under the process of the court’s consideration or cases having reached final judgments;

 Repeated complaints of the same matters that have already been clarified by the SEC, without new information or additional supporting evidence;

 Claim for damages or compensation or private and business disputes;

 Complaints barred by prescription or limited by time to gather evidence as specified by law.

For More Information

SEC Complaint Center

Tel. +66-2033-9999